bonding with kids as I could, I hardly find sometimes to be with them when I'm busy at work.gladly sometimes I can spend with them.See behind her that was my highlight.
Part 2 of the Paper mache felted dress i make today, so happy doin this , making like this crafts need a lot of extra time and patience , you can do anytime day or night.oh just adding the felted wool strap and the corset body then add the laces around the waist and the ready made pink chickerd stripped skirt
Very stormy today here in nl , the day was gloomy, i do not spoil my day for this dark cold, rainny day so by then i felted a paper mache dress with a mixed material.I satisfied the simplysity and the outcome of this DIY . Materials: paper mache news paper glue gun border lace ready made sew skirt.