The Order of Darak and The Pose of Cha Photography

The weather in holland is promising for a new seasons to come ,a new sunny days even it was partly cloudly leafy sprouting to comeout and flowers started to bloom like those cherry. the dutch bulbs flowers starting the magical frenzy's in all different shape,colors and beauty,this nature gives me inspiration to never give up no matter how bad the seasons is and i did with ceasing prayers,thankfully the health of my entire family are doin fine and it is granted, thankyou lord for these blessings. Well i plan ,i love to see again the lovely garden keukenhof in lisse my kids loved it too,I love it! the freshness smell of that garden for me is like a fantasy. oh yes! wanted to make tulp felting or felted for this coming months,orders still on process this week, but i have less materials for now. I was sick a bit ,twice on a row, having this seasonal illness is snicky to start my hobby.I wanted to sale my felting crafts on kings day in holland for my children projects . cross fingers for that I'm determine to do that within this year of 2015. By the way our Darak _i order from thinkpink seems is unsure to come with the kids. my youngest get my nerves go nuts she repeatedly ask because this Item was long awaited since july and i understand that the process took long for ages about 8 months or more, As a costumer i hold my patience about this I never realize that took for so long,small business and very expensive sometimes lucrative, because they can have more time to lay back and work there owned convenient time, I suggested and i advice you, if you order ABJD or OOAK be sure to order what is on the list that is available, because the pre-order is sometimes untrusty, I might use your intuitive logic for this. the kids get me mad and then i explain because cha birthday is approaching this May 24 and we want to celebrate it with the ABJD she wishess for.last year we had nothing as no gifts to buy for birthday and christmas because of this particular savings for ABJD. today ,I was sending the update of our paid order from july, if that was ignored process we wanted to divert the payment instead to ask back and the wishlist of the kids that they wanted for darak makes them a heart broken, well not for me. I felt only broken when the payment was used for some divert unattended business.I have patience, but my kids no, and this make me crazy as well.failure to have darka-i or not i let keep my silence for the kids to have the new news surprise. the first order was carefully choice. since im asian , i recommend that mostly asian bjd is good than to compare american or european bjd made or any of that. if there is european bjd i think the best i can recommend as if you are a collector was porcelaine but though this bjd doll is not meant for a child to play , its more on display,aside the resins not compensable anymore than comparing to the new trend of the good quality of best porcelaine production like although there are such selective best resin still on goin in the market. oh, i forget that you have to be careful buying bjd resin's from an agent that is reproduce into replica production,I heard one from france now she closed her replica production. I hated this as they claim there own. i'm very againts to this practise.well. its your choice! + My recommendation for BJD collectors + Marina Bychkova More than a play enchanted doll art. 1. Collect bjd porcelaine to reknown artist like ; Marina Bychkova owner artist of Enchanted doll she is not Agent never mistaken that.she is a talented russian lady with canadian intellectual and her equisite doll bjd are made with intwine precious stones and best metal like silver and gold. well, her doll art is totally prestige .
2.Sabine Vogel doll art
this artist is known in NAIDA european doll, she is the only best artist in germany. 3.Eli effenberger a pen doll name of Marnite sue, a talented porceliane carver artist illustrator she painted mostly on articulated form of all kinds of art and her best was dentelle. this piece is an equisite more than art. visit her website for more exact info. 4.Raisin can be bought from other asian artist ,agents and other raisins bjd doll home businesses. Yes, korean made and chinese was my best choice for collect for a little few. well i actually made of my own but i'm allergic to raisins .this took me time to finish and my own OOAK doll art project was still uphold. no i dont ask any commission for this moment. sorry for the request! anyhow carnival is a festive of this end month after hearts day. we have wonderful family get together with the kids. i feel blessed that we had this bonding even my husband and I is busy for some things to settle.I'm lossy for restoring this moment!


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