The weather in holland is promising for a new seasons to come ,a new sunny days even it was partly cloudly leafy sprouting to comeout and flowers started to bloom like those cherry. the dutch bulbs flowers starting the magical frenzy's in all different shape,colors and beauty,this nature gives me inspiration to never give up no matter how bad the seasons is and i did with ceasing prayers,thankfully the health of my entire family are doin fine and it is granted, thankyou lord for these blessings. Well i plan ,i love to see again the lovely garden keukenhof in lisse my kids loved it too,I love it! the freshness smell of that garden for me is like a fantasy. oh yes! wanted to make tulp felting or felted for this coming months,orders still on process this week, but i have less materials for now. I was sick a bit ,twice on a row, having this seasonal illness is snicky to start my hobby.I wanted to sale my felting crafts on kings day in holland for my children projects . cross fingers ...